Seventh Umbral Era Quests Levels 1-15 Gridania Quest Chain This page lists every Main Scenario Quest currently in the game. This is the current ongoing set of quests.Įach set of quests requires ownership of the base game and, after the Post-Heavensward Quests, an expansion ( Stormblood, Shadowbringers, and/or Endwalker). Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests - Level 90 story quests that continue the Endwalker story in Patches 6.1-6.5.
Endwalker Main Scenario Quests – Level 80-90 story quests released in Patch 6.0 with the expansion Endwalker.Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests - Level 80 story quests that continue the Shadowbringers story in Patches 5.1-5.55.Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests – Level 70-80 story quests released in Patch 5.0 with the expansion Shadowbringers.Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests – Level 70 story quests that continue the Stormblood story in Patches 4.1-4.56.Stormblood Main Scenario Quests – Level 60-70 story quests released in Patch 4.0 with the expansion Stormblood.Post-Heavensward Main Scenario Quests – Level 60 story quests that continue the Heavensward story in Patches 3.1-3.56.Heavensward Main Scenario Quests – Level 50-60 story quests released in Patch 3.0 with the expansion Heavensward.Seventh Astral Era Quests – Level 50 story quests that continue the A Realm Reborn story in Patches 2.1-2.55.Seventh Umbral Era Quests – Level 1-50 story quests released in Patch 2.0 as part of the base game A Realm Reborn.These stories converge at the quest It's Probably Pirates, and remain the same from that point onward.Ĭhronologically, the Main Scenario Quests are divided as follows: Initially, the Main Scenario Quests differ depending on the player's starting city ( Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, or Ul'dah). The icon is meant to resemble Dalamud as it fell during the 1.x version. These quests often have cutscenes and voice acting, and also unlock important features of the game: airship travel, Grand Company access, a personal chocobo mount, as well as dungeons and trials are unlocked through progression of the main questline. Main Scenario Quests are quests that tell the main story of Final Fantasy XIV. 8.6 Patch 5.55 (Death Unto Dawn - Part 2).8.5 Patch 5.5 (Death Unto Dawn - Part 1).8.2 Patch 5.2 (Echoes of a Fallen Star).8.1 Patch 5.1 (Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty).8 Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests.6.6 Patch 4.56 (A Requiem for Heroes - Part 2).6.5 Patch 4.5 (A Requiem for Heroes - Part 1).4.6 Patch 3.56 (The Far Edge of Fate - Part 2).4.5 Patch 3.5 (The Far Edge of Fate - Part 1).4.1 Patch 3.1 (As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness).4 Post-Heavensward Main Scenario Quests.2.6 Patch 2.55 (Before the Fall - Part 2).We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we thank you for your understanding. 12) In order to implement Patch 6.21, maintenance will take place on all Worlds at the time below, during which FINAL FANTASY XIV will be unavailable. 2.5 Patch 2.5 (Before the Fall - Part 1) 11:45 PM Maintenance All Worlds Maintenance (Sep.